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RoHs 2.0 standard review meeting held

Date of issue: 2019-11-21
Browsing popularity: 1174

  In accordance with the revised management procedures of group Standards of China Electronics Industry Standardization Technology Association, Hangzhou Xuyu Technology Co., Ltd. and China Electronic Standardization Institute jointly organized in jiangxi Province Tianzhao Chromatography Technology Co., Ltd. conference room held the project number TD/ CESA-2019-1-0302 "electronic and electrical products in the determination of four phthalate esters - liquid chromatography" group standard review meeting. The conference invited 7 expert representatives from the Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine, Analytical Instrument Branch of Chinese Academy of Instrumentation, National Institute of Metrology, Pingxiang College, China Nanfang Testing Co.,Ltd., BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd., And Beke Electronic Technology Service (Shenzhen).


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Hangzhou Xuyu Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the development, production, sales and service of high performance liquid chromatography system (HPLC). At present, it has become one of the professional liquid chromatograph manufacturers in China, and has obtained a number of inventions and Copyrights. Since its birth, the company has been committed to the innovation and application of chromatographic instruments, and strives to become the chromatographic instrument production and service providers.



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